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Provide power for drought relief in Yunnan
date:2012-03-30    Views: 6298

According to the reporter, in the most severe drought in Qujing City Huize and other mountainous areas, where the Mid-Levels area, such as beans, wheat and other crops almost all crops, and a lot of people a few kilometers away to the mountains to the water to go back to the water to eat. Currently, the ongoing drought has resulted in Qujing citys more than 70 million people and 50 million head of livestock drinking water, resulting in a direct economic loss of 3 billion yuan of agriculture, while the citys water shortage caused industrial output decreased by 20 billion yuan.

      for drought also continue the case, now being taken Qujing way groundwater pumping wells, built from the ground water pumping stations, and also organize fire and sprinkler, a particularly difficult area to drinking bottled water, take other forms of mutual assistance carry out drought to help themselves. Mini DC Power

      this year, Qujing City, a total Groundwater Drilling index 100, with the joint efforts of land and resources and the community, has spud 84, nearly 40 wells have water, sunrise nearly 10,000 cubic meters of water, can be solved more than 10 million people drinking water difficult. The remaining aircraft are expected wellhead end of this month will all the water, which will ease the drinking water in some areas to a certain extent. (Qujing Taiwan reporters Zhou Ying)
&Nbsp;     Our company offers a number of Qujing in Yunnan distributed operating power, wall power supply for the construction of pumping stations, at high temperature and high dust reliable guarantee of drought relief work smoothly. Mini DC Power

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