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Jining winning three Olympic venues DC panel
date:2013-12-21    Views: 6840

Haitai Lin Technology winning three Olympic Jining a total of five sets of large venues Electric DC power systems, providing reliable power protection services for the 23th Provincial Games.

        Jining Citys successful bid for the 23rd session of the Provincial Games since the North Lake District of the provincial games series stadium project as a "day font project." Followed by the distribution in Olympic venues around the three were gymnasium, natatorium, shooting archery museum, currently, the three venues have been completed the main structure needed, and has entered the construction of indoor and outdoor decoration, equipment installation and other ancillary works .

three venues overall planning for the introduction of radial centripetal layout, a total of 38,881 seats in the audience, can meet the contractor of the multi-sports, features require international and fitness of the individual competition, with entertainment, tourism services supporting functions, after the game provides a variety of functions training, activities, competitions in an integrated venue for the public.

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