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HDP-2 Series

HDP-2 series of products used in small switching station, ring counters, box-type substation and user terminal for the first switching device (spring mechanism vacuum circuit breakers, switches and other electrical loads) providing DC operating power, communications Optical provide DC power supply. Secondary control circuit (such as microprocessor-based protection, intelligent terminals and LEDs, analog indicators, etc.) to provide uninterrupted power supply. DC panel directly replace the original operating system or AC power supply system.

◆ Features

1, decentralized installation, save floor space. The distributed design philosophy, the distributed operating power switch mounted directly on the smart meter cabinet doors can save current screen area, because the power supply in the switch cabinet, the cable can be reduced usage, reduce the construction work.


2, distributed power supply, greatly improved reliability. uses a distributed power supply, when a circuit fails, the other circuits of the power supply unit is not affected, the stations failure to avoid that no operating power, compared with centralized power supply DC panel its overall reliability can be greatly improved.


3, a variety of input and output, a wide range. distributed operating power supply can provide DC 220V according to customer demand, 110V, 48V, 24V output, AC input range of 85 ~ 265V, suitable for PT and flexible electricity supply.


4, intelligent high-frequency power supply technology, with digital display and indicator. self-monitoring, self-diagnosis of high reliability, power supply status and operating parameters at a glance


5, intelligent battery management. Built-in automatic battery charging management module, automatic intelligent battery management are floating, greatly extending battery life, make operation more reliable and secure.


6, reference design IEC, UL and other international standards. reliability and safety there are adequate safeguards

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